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In the past God's people have been chastened for their corruption (1:1-2).

Now God's people will be cleansed by their confession (1:3-6).


First vision-the man among the myrtle trees (1:7-17):

By the prophet (1:7-11)
The question (1:7-9a):
The answer (1:9b-11):
By the angel (1:12-17)
The question (1:12):
The answer (1:13-17):

Second vision-the four horns and the four blacksmiths (1:18-21)

The four horns (1:18-19):
The four blacksmiths (1:20-21):

Third vision-the man with the measuring line (2:1-13)

The plan to measure Jerusalem (2:1-3):
The promise to magnify Jerusalem (2:4-13)
Great crowds will live both within and outside its walls-in safety (2:4-7, 10-13).
Judah's enemies will be totally defeated (2:8-9).

Fourth vision-the cleansing and clothing of Jeshua (Joshua), Judah's high priest (3:1 -10)

The prejudice (3:1):
The person (3:2):
The purifying (3:3-5):
The promises (3:6-10)
To be a steward in God's building (3:6-7):
To be a symbol for the Branch of God (3:8-10):

Fifth vision-the gold lampstand and the two olive trees (4:1-14)

The gold lampstand (4:1-2, 10)
The information (4:1-2):
The interpretation (4:10):
The two olive trees (4:3-9, 11-14)
The information (4:3):
The interpretation (4:4-9, 11-14):

Sixth vision-the flying scroll (5:1-4)

The size (5:1-2):
The symbol (5:3-4):

Seventh vision-the woman in the basket (5:5-11)

The transgressions (5:5-8)
The scope (5:5-6):
The symbol (5:7-8):
The transporters (5:9):
The terminal point (5:10-11):

Eighth vision-the four chariots (6:1-8)

What he sees (6:1-3):
What it symbolizes (6:4-8):


What Zechariah is to do (6:9-11):

Why Zechariah is to do it (6:12-15)

By this action the high priest represents the future reign of the Messiah over Israel (6:12-13).
By this action the four exiles represent the future return of the Jews to Israel (6:14-15).


THE CLARIFICATION (7:1-14; 8:9-19)

Judah's request (7:1-3):

Jehovah's reply (7:4-14; 8:9-19)

He chastens them for what they have done (7:4-7, 11-14).
Their hearts are insincere when they do observe the fifth-month fast (7:4-7).
They are proud and rebellious (7:11-12).
Their sin has led to their dispersion among the nations (7:13-14).
He challenges them to do what they must do now (7:8-10; 8:9-19).
Be honest, merciful, and kind (7:8-9).
Don't oppress the helpless (7:10).
Complete the Temple building, and you will be blessed (8:9-15).
Always tell the truth (8:16-18).
Turn the fifth-month fast into a godly celebration (8:19).

THE CONQUESTS (9:1-8, 11-13):

The Gentile pagans (9:1-8):

The destruction of Phoenicia, Syria, and Philistia (9:1-7)
The deliverance of Judah (9:8):

The Jewish patriots (9:11-13):

THE COMINGS (8:1-8, 20-23; 9:9-10, 14-17; 10:1-14:21):

The first coming (9:9; 11:4-14; 12:10; 13:7)

His role as a shepherd (11:4-7)
His triumphal entry (9:9)
His twofold rejection (11:8-14; 12:10; 13:7)
Israel rejects the Messiah (11:8, 12-13; 12:10; 13:7).

####### He is hated (11:8). ####### He is betrayed (11:12-13). ####### He is abandoned (13:7). ####### He is crucified (12:10).

The Messiah rejects Israel (11:9-11, 14).

The second coming (8:1-8, 20-23; 9:10, 14-17; 10:1-11:3; 11:15-13:6, 8-9; 14:1-21)

Pre-appearance events (11:15-17; 12:1-8; 13:8-9; 14:1-2, 12-15)
The Antichrist's reign (11:15-17)
The Jewish remnant's survival (13:8-9)
The battle for Jerusalem (12:1-8; 14:1-2, 12-15)
Appearance events (8:1-8, 20-23; 9:14-15; 10:4-5; 11:1-3; 12:9-14; 14:3-5)
Christ's return (14:4-5)
The Battle of Armageddon (9:14-15; 10:4-5; 11:1-3; 12:9; 14:3)
Israel's recognition of Christ (12:10-14)
Jerusalem's salvation (8:1-8, 20-23)
Post-appearance events (9:10, 16-17; 10:1-3, 6-12; 13:1-6; 14:6-11, 16-21)
Unfaithful Israel's judgment (10:2-3)
Faithful Israel's regathering (10:8-12)
Israel's cleansing (13:1-6)
Jerusalem's elevation (14:10-11)
The lifting of nature's curse (10:1)
Wondrous changes in the heavens (14:6-7)
Living waters proceeding from Jerusalem to purify the land (14:8)
Christ's universal reign (9:10)
Universal joy (9:16-17; 10:6-7)
Universal worship (14:9, 16-19)