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THE SEARCH (1:1-2:13, 15-20):

The first Q&A (1:1-11)

Q: Will Judah be punished? (1:1-4):
Jehovah's silence (1:1-2):
Judah's sins (1:3-4):
A: Judah will be punished (1:5-11).
The soldiers (1:5-6):
The severity (1:7):
The symbols (1:8-9):

####### Swift leopards (1:8a) ####### Fierce wolves (1:8b) ####### Devouring eagles (1:8c-9)

The scorn (1:10-11):

The second Q&A (1:12-17; 2:1-13, 15-20)

Q: Will Babylon be punished? (1:12-17):
A: Babylon will be punished (2:1-13, 15-20).
The record (2:1-2):
The reassurance (2:3):
The righteous (2:4):
The reasons (2:5-13, 15-19):

####### Drunkenness and greed (2:5) ####### Brutal treatment of the nations (2:6) ####### The shedding of blood (2:7-13) ####### Being merchants of terror (2:15-16) ####### Destroying other lands (2:17) ####### Gross idolatry (2:18-19)

The respect (2:20):

THE SOLUTION (2:14; 3:1-19): Habakkuk is reassured.

Because of what he has heard (2:14; 3:1-2)

About God's fame and deeds (3:1-2)
About the entire earth someday being filled with God's glory (2:14)

Because of what he now sees (3:3-19):

God's splendor (3:3-4):
God's strength (3:5-12, 14-15)
He judges with pestilence and plague (3:5).
He shakes the nations, shatters the mountains, and levels the hills (3:6).
He utterly crushes his enemies (3:7-12, 14-15).
God's salvation (3:13):
God's security (3:16-19):
Trust God in time of fear (3:16)