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Isaiah Part 8

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Isaiah Part 8

ISAIAH 58-59

ISRAEL'S SINS (58:1-14; 59:3-8)

Hypocrisy (58:1-12):

The wrong way to fast (58:1-5):
The right way to fast (58:6-12)
The facts (58:6-10):
The fruits (58:11-12):

Neglect (58:13-14):

Bloodshed (59:3a):

Lying (59:3b-4):

Dishonesty (59:5-8):

ISRAEL'S SUFFERING (59:1-2, 9-11):

Unanswered prayer (59:1-2):

Despair (59:9):

Spiritual blindness (59:10):

Utter frustration (59:11):


ISRAEL'S SAVIOR (59:15b-21)

The plight of Israel (59:15b-16):

The plans of God (59:17-21):

The Great Tribulation (59:17-18):
The glorious Millennium (59:19-21):

ISAIAH 60-62

THE SPLENDOR OF GOD'S PEOPLE (60:1-22; 61:4-62:12)

Facts concerning their city (60:1-3, 5-7, 10-22; 62:1-4, 12)

Jerusalem will illuminate the entire earth (60:1-3):
It will be visited and honored by the Gentiles (60:5-7, 10-16):
It will be protected by God himself (60:17-18):
It will shine forever in its splendor (60:19-21):
Its population will vastly increase (60:22):
It will be known by various new names (62:1-4, 12):
Hephzibah, meaning "City of God's Delight," and Beulah, meaning "Bride of God" (62:4):
"The City No Longer Forsaken" (62:12):

Facts concerning their country (60:4, 8-9; 61:4-11; 62:5-11)

The promise to the nation of Israel (60:4, 8-9; 61:4-9; 62:5, 8-11)
Their children will care for them (62:5):
They will be regathered from among all other nations (60:8-9; 62:10-11):
They will rebuild long-destroyed cities (61:4).
The Gentiles will serve Israel (61:5):
They will be a priestly nation (61:6):
All reproach will be replaced with great honor among the Gentile nations (61:7-9):
They will never suffer defeat again (62:8-9):
The praise of the nation of Israel (61:10-11):
The prayers for the nation of Israel (62:6-7)
The people are to give themselves no rest until Jerusalem is established (62:6):
The people are to give God no rest until Jerusalem is established (62:7):


His anointing (61:1a):

His assignments (61:1 b-3)

He preaches good news to the poor (61:1b)
He comforts the brokenhearted (61:1c)
He releases captives and frees prisoners (61:1d)
He transforms ashes into beauty, sorrow into joy, and despair into praise (61:2-3):

ISAIAH 63-64


As a soldier (63:1-6)

Question (63:1a, 2):
Answer (63:1b, 3-6)
The victor (63:1b):
The victory (63:3-6):

As a Savior (63:7-9):

THE ISRAEL OF GOD (63:10-64:12)

Their rebellion (63:10):

Their reflection (63:11-14):

Their realization (63:15-16; 64:5-8):

He is their eternal Father and Redeemer (63:16):
In his sight even their righteous acts are as filthy rags (64:5-7):
He is the Potter; they are the clay (64:8):

Their requests (63:17-19: 64:1-4, 9-12)

To return and save them from all their enemies (63:17-19; 64:1-4):
To forgive and forget all their sins (64:9-12):

ISAIAH 65-66

THE PAGANS AND GOD (65:1, 17, 20-25; 66:6, 15-17, 22-24)

His current dealings with the Gentile nations (65:1):

His future dealings with the Gentile nations (65:17, 20-25; 66:6, 15-17, 22-24):

The punishment (66:6, 15-17):
God takes fiery vengeance on his enemies (66:6):
Multiplied millions of sinners are slain at that time (66:15-17):
The perfection (65:17, 20-25; 66:22-24):
There are no infant deaths (65:20a).
All but the rebellious live to celebrate their 100th birthdays (65:20b):
A time of great prosperity (65:21-23):
A time when prayers are instantly answered (65:24):
The wolf, lamb, lion, and ox dwell in perfect harmony (65:25).
The permanent creation of new heavens and earth (65:17; 66:22):
Universal worship of God (66:23):
A sober reminder of the holiness of God (66:24):

####### The rebellious are devoured by worms and are destroyed by fire.

THE PEOPLE OF GOD (65:2-16, 18-19; 66:1-5, 7-14, 18-21)

The old Israel (65:2-15; 66:1-5)

The rebellious ones (65:2-7, 11-15; 66:3-4)
Their perversions (65:2-5; 66:3)

####### Idolatry (65:2-3): ####### Witchcraft (65:4): ####### Hypocrisy (65:5; 66:3):

Their punishment (65:6-7, 11-15; 66:4)

####### To be paid in full for their sins (65:6-7): ####### To be cut down by the sword (65:11-12): ####### To suffer from hunger and thirst (65:13) ####### To cry out in sorrow (65:14) ####### To become a curse among the people (65:15): ####### To bring upon them all these things (66:4):

The righteous ones (65:8-10; 66:1-2, 5):
They will be preserved and made prosperous in the land (65:8-10).
They will be esteemed by God for their humility (66:1-2).
They will hear his reassuring voice (66:5):

new Israel (65:16, 18-19; 66:7-14, 18-21)

The duration (66:7-9):
The description (65:16, 18-19; 66:10-14, 18-21)
The people will be totally forgiven (65:16):
Jerusalem will be rebuilt and filled with rejoicing (65:18-19):
The city will enjoy financial prosperity (66:10-12):
The people will be comforted by God himself (66:13):
The people will rejoice (66:14):
The people will see God's glory (66:18-21):