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1 SAMUEL 20-21

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1 SAMUEL 20-21

DAVID AND THE PRINCE (20:1-42): David finds Jonathan and tells him of Saul's determination to kill him. Jonathan devises a plan to find out if this is true and warn David.

The cause of David's fears (20:1-23)

The problem (20:1-11): In spite of Jonathan's attempts to reassure him, David is convinced that Saul is still trying to kill him.

The promise (20:12-17): Jonathan promises to warn David about his father's plans, and both men make a sacred vow to be loyal to each other, whatever the cost.

The plan (20:18-23): On the new moon festival David will hide in a field. The next day Jonathan will warn him by a prearranged signal. He will shoot arrows and tell a servant to go fetch them. If he tells the servant to go farther, David will know that Saul is planning to kill him.

The confirmation of David's fears (20:24-42)

David's absence (20:24-29): At the new moon festival Saul notices that David is not present at the meal. Jonathan makes up the excuse that David has gone to Bethlehem to take part in a family sacrifice.

Saul's anger (20:30-34): A furious Saul not only states his intention to kill David but actually attempts to murder Jonathan for befriending him!

Jonathan's arrows (20:35-42): In accordance with their plan, Jonathan shoots some arrows to warn David. So David meets with Jonathan one final time to affirm his loyalty and say goodbye before he leaves.

DAVID AND THE PRIEST (21:1-9): David goes to the city of Nob to see Ahimelech the priest.

The falsehood (21:1-2): David tells the priest that Saul has sent him on a private mission.

The favor (21:3-9): The priest provides David with holy bread and offers him Goliath's sword.

DAVID AND THE PAGAN (21:10-15): David seeks refuge from Saul in the Philistine city of Gath. He fears what the king of Gath might do to him, so he pretends to be insane.