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1 SAMUEL 12-13

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1 SAMUEL 12-13


The contents (12:1-13): Samuel reviews the faithfulness that has been shown to Israel by himself and the Lord.

Samuel's faithfulness (12:1-5)

The Lord's faithfulness (12:6-13)

The choice (12:14-15)

Obeying the Lord will bring good things.

Forsaking the Lord will bring punishment.

The confirmation (12:16-25): The Lord displays his disapproval of the people's desire for a king by sending loud thunder and heavy rain. Samuel urges the people to sincerely worship the Lord only.


Saul's wickedness (13:1-14)

The panic (13:1-7): Saul's son Jonathan and his army destroy the garrison of Philistines at Geba, so the enemy mobilizes its entire army of chariots, horsemen, and soldiers against Israel. Saul and his men tremble in fear at the sight!

The presumption (13:8-9): To rally his frightened troops, Saul unlawfully assumes the role of priest and offers up the burnt offering.

The punishment (13:10-14): Samuel arrives and rebukes Saul for his actions. He pronounces that the Lord will punish Saul by ending his dynasty.

Israel's weakness (13:15-23)

Lack of warriors (13:15): Saul's army dwindles to only 600 men.

Lack of weapons (13:16-23): There are no blacksmiths in all Israel, so the only soldiers who have a sword or spear are Saul and Jonathan!