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Hebrews 11

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Hebrews 11

The Explanation of Faith (11:1-3, 6)

Its nature (11:1-2)

"It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen" (11:1a).

"It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see" (11:1b).

Its necessity (11:3, 6)

With it people in the Old Testament were approved by God (11:2).

With it we are able to believe the power of God (11:3):

Without it we are unable to please the person of God (11:6).

THE EXAMPLES OF FAITH (11:4-5, 7-40)

Who they were (11:4a, 5a, 7a, 8a-11a, 12, 17-18, 20a, 21a, 22a, 23a, 24, 27a, 28a, 31a, 32):

Abel (11:4a)
Enoch (11:5a)
Noah (11:7a)
Abraham (11:8a, 9, 12, 17-18)
Sarah (11:11a)
Isaac (11:20a)
Jacob (11:21a)
Joseph (11:22a)
Moses' parents (11:23a)
Moses (11:24, 27a, 28a)
The people of Israel (11:29a, 30a)
Rahab (11:31a)
Gideon (11:32a)
Barak (11:32b)
Samson (11:32c)
Jephthah (11:32d)
David (11:32e)
Samuel (11:32f)
All the prophets (11:32g)

What they did (11:4b, 5b, 7b, 8b, 11b, 19, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23b, 25, 27b, 28b-30, 31b, 33-35a)

Abel gave the Lord an acceptable offering (11:4b).
Enoch left the earth without dying (11:5b).
Noah survived the great Flood (11:7b).
Abraham inherited a land (11:8b).
Sarah bore a son through a barren womb and began a nation (11:11b).
Abraham believed that God could raise the dead (11:19).
Isaac and Jacob both predicted the future (11:20b, 21b).
Joseph anticipated the Exodus long before it happened (11:22b).
Moses' parents defied the king of Egypt (11:23b).
Moses forsook the pleasures of sin (11:25).
Moses left the land of Egypt and was not afraid of the king (11:27b).
The people of Israel kept the Passover (11:28b).
The people of Israel crossed the Red Sea (11:29).
The people of Israel shouted down a city (11:30).
Rahab protected some Hebrew spies (11:31b).
The prophets and judges subdued kingdoms, shut the mouths of lions, quenched flames, escaped the sword, exchanged weakness for strength, put enemy armies to flight, and a few even raised the dead (11:33-35a).

What they endured (11:35b-38)

Terrible torture (11:35b)
Ridicule (11:36a)
Cruel flogging (11:36b)
Imprisonment (11:36c)
Stoning (11:37a)
Being sawn in two (11:37b)
Death by the sword (11:37c)
Extreme poverty (11:37d-38)

Why they endured (11:10, 13-15, 16b, 26, 35c)

They saw the invisible City of God (11:10, 13-15, 16b).
They believed that suffering for the sake of Christ was better than having all the riches of this world (11:26).
They looked forward to their own resurrection (11:35c).

What they received (11:16a, 39-40)

In the past (11:16a, 39):
In the future (11:40):