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First miracle (6:1-15):

Events preceding this miracle (6:1-9)

The place (6:1-4):
The problem (6:5-6):
The pessimism (6:7-9)
As demonstrated by Philip (6:7):
As demonstrated by Andrew (6:8-9):

Events during this miracle (6:10-13)

The scarcity of food (6:10):
The surplus of food (6:11-13):

Events following this miracle (6:14-15)

The determination of the people (6:14):
The departure of the Saviour (6:15):

Second miracle (6:16-24): Jesus walks on water.

The stormy sea (6:16-18):

The sovereign Saviour (6:19-21):

He walks on the water (6:19-20).
He brings the boat to land immediately (6:21).

The seeking sinners (6:22-24):

TWO MESSAGES (6:25-71)

Public comments (6:25-66)

Christ and the curious (6:25-40)

He speaks concerning God's salvation (6:25-36).
Their confusion (6:25-26, 28, 30-31, 36)

####### They want to know how he got there (6:25). ####### They seek him only for physical bread (6:26). ####### They don't know how to please God (6:28). ####### They assume the Old Testament manna came from Moses (6:30-31). ####### They don't believe in him even though they have seen him (6:36).

His correction (6:27, 29, 32-35)

####### They are to seek him for spiritual bread (6:27, 33-35). ####### They will please God by believing in him (6:29). ####### He says the Old Testament manna came from God (6:32).

He speaks concerning God's sovereignty (6:37-40).
Guaranteeing that all the elect will come to Christ (6:37):
Guaranteeing that all the elect will continue in Christ (6:38-40):

Christ and the critical (6:41-59)

Their criticism (6:41-42, 52)
He is simply the son of Joseph (6:41-42).
No one can (physically) eat his flesh and drink his blood (6:52).
His correction (6:43-51, 53-59)
Jesus says he is the bread of life (6:43-51).
Jesus says that anyone who wants eternal life must (spiritually) eat his flesh and drink his blood (6:53-59).

Christ and the carnal (6:60-66)

Many of his followers now decide against him (6:60-65).
Many of his followers now depart from him (60:66).

Private comments (6:67-71):

The Savior and all the apostles (6:67-69)

Jesus asks, "Are you going to leave, too?" (6:67).
Peter answers, "Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life. We believe them, and we know you are the Holy One of God" (6:68-69).

The Savior and the evil apostle (6:70-71)

The nature of this apostle (6:70):
The name of this apostle (6:71):