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HYPOCRISY (12:1-3)

The example of hypocrisy (12:1):

The exposure of hypocrisy (12:2-3):

TRUE FEAR (12:4-5)

Don't fear people (12:4):

Do fear God (12:5):

GOD'S CARE (12:6-7)

God provides for the sparrows, which are the least of his creatures (12:6).

How much more will he provide for the saints, who are the greatest of his creatures (12:7)!


The believer and the Son (12:8-9):

The believer and the Spirit (12:10-12):


The dilemma (12:13-17):

The decision (12:18):

The delusion (12:19):

He assumes he has many years to live (12:19a).

He assumes material goods can satisfy the soul (12:19b).

The destruction (12:20):

The definition (12:21):

WORRY (12:22-34)

The two prohibitions (12:22-23)

Don't worry about the food you need to eat (12:22a, 23a).

Don't worry about the clothes you need to wear (12:22b, 23b).

The two principles (12:24-31):

The birds of the air (12:24-26, 29-31)

They neither sow nor reap, yet God feeds them (12:24).
God views believers as more important than birds (12:25-26, 29-31).

The lilies of the field (12:27-28)

They are robed greater than was Solomon in all his glory (12:27).
God views his friends as more important than flowers (12:28).

The two promises (12:32-34)

Down here (12:32):

Up there (12:33-34):

WATCHFULNESS (12:35-48):

The information in the parable (12:35-40)

The command (12:35-36):

The celebration (12:37-38):

The caution (12:39-40):

The application from the parable (12:41-48)

Faithfulness during his absence will result in rewards at his appearance (12:41-44).

Faithlessness during his absence will result in severe rebuke at his appearance (12:45-48).

JESUS' MISSION (12:49-53)

The suffering (12:49-50):

The separation (12:51-53):

PERCEPTION (12:54-56)

What sinful Israel can do (12:54-55):

What sinful Israel cannot do (12:56):


The priority of attempting to settle with your adversary out of court (1 2:57-58a):

The penalty for refusing to settle with your adversary out of court (12:58b-59):