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1 SAMUEL 30-31

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1 SAMUEL 30-31


The sorrow (30:1-8)

The destruction (30:1-5): While David and his men are gone, the Amalekites destroy Ziklag and carry off its citizens, including David's two wives.

The distress (30:6): David's men threaten to kill him for allowing this to happen.

The direction (30:7-8): The Lord orders David to attack the enemy, assuring him of victory.

The success (30:9-20): David mobilizes his men and attacks the Amalekites.

Two hundred exhausted men (30:9-10): As David and his men cross Besor Brook, 200 of his men are too tired to continue; only 400 men press on to fight the Amalekites.

One Egyptian man (30:11-16): David's men find an Egyptian slave who had been left behind by the Amalekites. The man agrees to take David to the Amalekites' camp.

Four hundred energized men (30:17-20): David's men attack the camp and destroy the Amalekites, recovering all the captives and goods that had been taken.

The sharing (30:21-31): David distributes the plunder among two groups:

The soldiers of Israel (30:21-25)

Their objection (30:21-22): The 400 soldiers object to sharing the plunder with the 200 who stayed behind.
His ordinance (30:23-25): David insists that the plunder be shared with those who guard the equipment as well as with those who fight.

The leaders of Judah (30:26-31): The leaders of several towns of Judah also receive a portion of the plunder.

THE PHILISTINES' VICTORY (31:1-13): When the Philistines attack the Israelites, Saul and his sons are killed on the battlefield, just as Samuel foretold.

The method (31:1-6): On Mount Gilboa, Saul's sons are killed, and Saul is critically wounded by the Philistines. He falls on his own sword to avoid capture and abuse by the enemy.

The mutilation (31:7-10): The Philistines cut off Saul's head and fasten his body to the wall of the city of Beth-shan.