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1 SAMUEL 3-5

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1 SAMUEL 3-5

THE ANOINTED (3:1-21): Samuel has already been chosen by God to replace Eli as the spiritual leader of Israel.

Samuel's message from the Lord (3:1-18): While Samuel is still a young boy, the Lord speaks to him about Eli.

Samuel receives the message (3:1-14)

Where he is (3:1-9): The Lord calls to Samuel one night as he is sleeping. At first Samuel thinks it is Eli calling him. Eli realizes it is the Lord and tells Samuel to listen.
What he hears (3:10-14): The Lord tells Samuel that he will soon severely punish Eli and his two wicked sons.

Samuel repeats the message (3:15-18): The next morning Samuel tells Eli everything the Lord said to him.

Samuel's ministry for the Lord (3:19-21): Soon all Israel comes to recognize Samuel as a great prophet of the Lord.

THE ATTACKS (4:1-22): The Israelites engage in war with the Philistines.

The defeats (4:1-11): The Israelites suffer two defeats by the Philistines.

First defeat (4:1-9)

The routing (4:1-2): The Philistines kill 4,000 Israelites in the first encounter.
The rallying (4:3-9): The Ark of the Covenant is carried to the battlefield to encourage Israel and frighten the Philistines. But the Philistines stage a rally!

Second defeat (4:10-11): The Philistines kill 30,000 Israelites, including Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, and capture the Ark of the Covenant.

The despair (4:12-22)

Of Eli (4:12-18)

His anxiety (4:12-16): Eli sits near the gate of Shiloh, fear fully awaiting news of the battle and the Ark.
His accident (4:17-18): Hearing of Israel's defeat, the death of his sons, and the capture of the Ark, Eli falls from his seat, breaks his neck, and dies!

Of Eli's daughter-in-law (4:19-22)

The tragic news (4:19-20): When Phinehas's pregnant wife hears that her husband and father-in-law are dead and the Ark has been captured, she goes into labor and dies in childbirth.
The tragic name (4:21-22): Just before her death, Phinehas's wife names her infant son Ichabod, meaning "Where is the glory?"

THE ARK (5:1-12)

In Ashdod (5:1-8)

The temple (5:1-5): The Lord causes the Philistine idol Dagon to fall down before the Ark.

The tumors (5:6-8): The people of Ashdod are afflicted with tumors because of the Ark's presence. So they send the Ark to the city of Gath.

In Gath (5:9): The citizens there also suffer from an outbreak of tumors.

In Ekron (5:10-12). When the people of Gath try to send the Ark to Ekron, tumors and great fear begin to sweep through Ekron.