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What the Pharisees think Jesus should not be doing.

Jesus and a man on a bed (2:1-12)

Some helpful friends (2:1-5, 11-17)

The helplessness of the paralytic (2:1-4):
He is totally immobile, confined to a stretcher.
The intervening by his friends (2:1-3):

####### Four men carry him to Jesus.

The ingenuity of his friends (2:4):

####### Unable to get in the front door because of the crowd, they cut a hole in the roof and lower him into the room!

The healing of the paralytic (2:5, 11-12)
His spiritual healing (2:5):
His physical healing (2:11-12):

Some hostile foes (2:6-10)

The denunciation by the scribes (2:6-7):
The defense by the Savior (2:8-10):

Jesus and a man in a booth (2:13-17)

The conversion of Levi (2:13-14):

The celebration by Levi (2:15-17):

The background of these guests (2:15):
The bitterness against these guests (2:16):
The basis for these guests (2:17):


They say he is not observing fasting (2:18-22)

Their rebuke (2:18):

His response (2:19-22)

Wedding guests do not fast while the bridegroom is with them (2:19-20).
No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment (2:21).
No one puts new wine into old wineskins (2:22).

They say he is not observing the Sabbath (2:23-28).

Their rebuke (2:23-24): He is allowing his disciples to break off heads of wheat and eat the grain on the Sabbath.

His response (2:25-28)

David was given consecrated bread, which was lawful only for priests to eat (2:25-26).
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, and Jesus is master of the Sabbath (2:27-28).