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Song of Solomon

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Song of Solomon



"You light up my life" (1:1-4a, 5-7, 12-14, 16-17, 2:1, 3-13, 16-17, 3:1-5): The bride speaks to the groom, Solomon.

Your love is sweeter than wine (1:2).
How pleasing is your name (1:3).
I am darkened by the sun but beautiful (1:5-6).
Where do you graze your flocks, 0 my love (1:7)?
I desire to hold you in my bosom (1:12-14; 2:4-7).
I will be to you as a rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley (2:1).
You will be to me as an apple tree (2:3).
I hear you coming for me (2:8-13, 16-17).
I dreamed that I searched for you in the streets of the city (3:1-5).

"You light up my life" (1:8-11, 15):

You are like a lovely filly (1:9).
How lovely are your cheeks and neck (1:10).
Your eyes are soft like doves (1:15).

"They light up each other's life" (1:4b, 2:15):

We rejoice and delight in you (1:4b).
Guard the vineyard of your love (2:15).


The wedding day (3:6-11)

The coming of King Solomon (3:6):
The carriage of King Solomon (3:7-10)
The soldiers (3:7-8):
The splendor (3:9-10)

####### Made from wood imported from Lebanon (3:9) ####### Has silver posts and a golden canopy (3:10a) ####### Is upholstered with purple (3:10b)

The crown of King Solomon (3:11):

The wedding night (4:1-5:1)

As spoken by the husband to his wife (4:1-15; 5:1a):
Her eyes are like doves (4:1a).
Her hair is like a flock of goats (4:1b).
Her teeth are like shorn sheep (4:2).
Her lips are like a scarlet ribbon (4:3a).
Her cheeks are like the halves of a pomegranate (4:3b).
Her neck is like the tower of David (4:4).
Her breasts are like twin fawns of a gazelle (4:5).
Her love is much better than wine (4:10a).
Her perfume is more fragrant than the richest spices. Her virginity is his own private garden, an enclosed spring, a sealed fountain, a lovely orchard holding precious fruit (4:10b-15; 5:1a).
As spoken by the wife to her husband (4:16):
As spoken by the young women of Jerusalem to both (5:1b):


In regard to the wife (5:2-8, 10-16; 7:10-8:4, 6-7, 10-14)

Her dream (5:2-8)
The sin (5:2-4):
The search (5:5-8):
Her desire (7:10-8:4)
To visit the countryside and spend the night in one of the fields (7:10-13)
To publicly demonstrate her love for him (8:1-4)
To offer herself totally to him (8:10-12, 14)
Her description (5:10-16; 8:6-7)
She describes her lover (5:10-16).
She describes her love (8:6-7).

In regard to the husband (6:4-12-13; 7:1-9; 8:5b, 13)

He characterizes the beauty of his wife (6:4-7):
He contrasts the beauty of his wife (6:8-10):

In regard to the young women of Jerusalem (5:9; 6:1, 13a; 8:5a):

In regard to the wife's brothers (8:8-9)

The question (8:8):
The answer (8:9):