Theology Commons

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PART ONE (19:1-15)

The confrontation--Jesus and the Pharisees (19:1-9):

What they ask-first question (19:3):

How he answers-first reply (19:4-6):

What they ask-second question (19:7):

How he answers-second reply (19:8-9)

The insolence (19:8a):
The intention (19:8b):
The immorality (19:9):

The clarification-Jesus and his disciples (19:10-12)

What they ask (19:10): "

How he answers (19:11-12):

The consecration-Jesus and some little children (19:13-15)

The disciples rebuke the parents (19:13):

The Savior receives the children (19:14-15):

PART TWO (19:16-30)

Jesus speaks concerning riches (19:16-26):

Jesus and the ruler (19:16-22)

The seeking ruler (19:16-21)
The ruler's confusion (19:16):
The Savior's clarification (19:17):
The ruler's confirmation (19:18-20):
The Savior's conclusion (19:21):
The sorrowing ruler (19:22):

Jesus and the disciples (19:23-26)

The allegory (19:23-24):
The amazement (19:25):
The assurance (19:26):

Jesus speaks concerning rewards (19:27-30)

What the disciples have renounced for Jesus (19:27):

What the disciples will receive from Jesus (19:28-30):