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1 Corinthians 14

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1 Corinthians 14

THE GIFT OF PROPHECY (14:1, 3, 4b-12, 18-19, 29-33)

The admonition to seek this gift (14:1):

The advantages of this gift (14:3, 4b-6, 18-19)

It strengthens, encourages, and comforts believers (14:3).

It edifies the entire church (14:4b).

It is Paul's personal choice for the Corinthian church (14:5).

It is Paul's most effective way to help all the churches (14:6).

In fact, he feels this gift is 2,000 times more effective than the gift of tongues (14:18-19).

The analogies concerning this gift (14:7-12):

From the music world (14:7):

From the military world (14:8):

From the daily world (14:9-12):

The admonitions concerning this gift (14:29-33)

Only two or three people should prophesy in a service, and the others should evaluate what is said (14:29).

If one person is prophesying and another receives a divine revelation, the first person should allow the second to speak (14:30-31).

Those who prophesy must remain in control of their spirit so that they can wait their turn to speak (4:32-33).

THE GIFT OF TONGUES (14:2, 4a, 13-17, 21-25, 27-35)

The reasons for this gift (14:2, 4a, 21-25)

In regard to believers (14:2, 4a)

The speaker utters mysteries to God that are unknown to man (14:2).
The speaker edifies himself (14:4a).

In regard to unbelievers (14:21-25)

The prediction (14:21):
The purpose (14:22):
The problem (14:23):
The persuasion (14:24-25):

The rules governing this gift (14:13-17, 27-32, 34-35)

Those speaking in tongues should pray that what is said might be correctly interpreted (14:1314).

The one praying and singing with his spirit is also to do both with his mind (14:15-17).

No more than two or three should speak in tongues at any service (14:27a).

They should speak one at a time (14:27b).

Someone must be present to interpret, or they should keep quiet (14:27c-28).

Women are not to speak in tongues or prophesy in the church meetings (14:34-35).


Be as innocent as infants and as intelligent as adults in exercising these gifts (14:20).

These gifts and all others should be used solely for the edification of others (14:26).

Be eager to prophesy, and don't forbid tongues (14:39).

Do everything in a fitting and orderly way (14:33, 40).

Obey what Paul has written, for these are God's commands (14:36-38).