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1 SAMUEL 16-17

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1 SAMUEL 16-17


The rejection of Jesse's older sons (16:1-10)

Samuel's mission (16:1-5): The Lord tells Samuel that he has selected someone to replace Saul as king. He directs Samuel to go to Bethlehem and anoint one of Jesse's sons as Israel's next king.

Samuel's meeting (16:6-10): Jesse introduces each of his seven oldest sons to Samuel, but none of them meet the Lord's approval.

The selection of Jesse's youngest son (16:11-13): The Lord tells Samuel to anoint David, Jesse's youngest son. When he does so, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon David.


The misery of King Saul (16:14-20)

A wicked spirit (16:14): A tormenting spirit causes Saul to become depressed and fearful.

A wise suggestion (16:15-20): Saul's servants encourage him to bring in a good musician who can soothe him with harp music. Saul agrees, and they send for David.

The ministry to King Saul (16:21-23): David's music quickly brings relief to the troubled king.

DAVID THE COURAGEOUS (17:1-58): David kills the Philistine giant named Goliath and spurs the Israelites on to victory.

The aggravation (17:1-11, 16)

The contention (17:1-3): The Israelites and the Philistines face off for battle on opposites sides of the valley of Elah.

The champion (17:4-7): Among the Philistines is a fierce fighter named Goliath, who is over nine feet tall!

The challenge (17:8-11): Goliath defies Israel, demanding that they send out a soldier to fight him.

The chronology (17:16): Goliath makes this challenge twice every day for 40 days.

The action (17:12-15, 17-54)

The care package (17:12-15, 17-19): David's father instructs him to carry food to three of his brothers in Saul's army.

The criticism (17:20-30): When David arrives at the site of the impending battle, he is rebuked by his oldest brother for asking why Goliath is allowed to insult Israel's army.

The concern (17:31-40)

Saul's reservation (17:31-33): David volunteers to fight Goliath, but Saul is afraid that David will be no match for the Philistine giant.
David's reassurance (17:34-37): David tells Saul that as a shepherd he killed lions and bears who threatened his sheep. He promises to do the same with Goliath! Saul agrees to let David fight.
David's refusal (17:38-40): Saul offers David his own royal armor, but David refuses it, choosing to use his sling and stones instead.

The contempt (17:41-47): Goliath taunts the Israelites and curses David by the names of his gods.

Goliath's reviling (17:41-44): "Come over here, and I'll give your flesh to the birds and wild animals!"
David's response (17:45-47): "Today the LORD will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head."

The clash (17:48-51): David hurls a stone at Goliath and hits him in the forehead, causing him to fall down. David takes Goliath's sword and cuts off Goliath's head.

The conquest (17:51-54): When the Philistine army sees that Goliath is dead, they flee. The

The asking (17:55-58): Saul desires to find out more about David, asking the young shepherd about his background and family.