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THE COMMAND (78:1-7):

I will teach (78:1-3):

You will teach (78:4-7):

THE CONSEQUENCES (78:8-72): Asaph relates the history of God's people.

Their rebellion against God (78:8-12, 17-20, 22, 34-37, 40-41, 43, 56-58):

They disregarded his miracles (78:11-12, 32, 43).

They refused to obey God (78:8, 10, 17).

They complained against God (78:18-20):

They lied to God (78:34-36):

They were faithless (78:9, 22, 37, 40-41, 56-57).

They worshiped other gods (78:58).

Their retribution from God (78:21, 30-31, 33-35, 59-64, 67)

God became angry with them (78:21).

God caused them to suffer failure and terror (78:33).

God killed many of them (78:30-31).

God allowed many of them to be killed (78:62-64).

God abandoned his people (78:59-60):

God allowed the Ark to be captured (78:61).

God rejected the northern tribe of Ephraim (78:67).

Their redemption from God (78:13-16, 23-29, 38-55, 65-66, 68-72):

He miraculously delivered his people from Egypt (78:42-51).

He divided the Red Sea for them (78:13).

He guided them by a cloud and pillar of fire (78:14, 52-54).

He provided water from a rock (78:15-16).

He fed them with manna and quail (78:23-29).

He forgave their sins (78:38-39).

He settled them in the Promised Land (78:55):

He rescued them from their enemies (78:65-66).

He chose Jerusalem as the place for his Temple (78:68-69).

He chose David to rule over them (78:70-72).