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2 KINGS 15-16

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2 KINGS 15-16

THE GODLY KINGS (15:1-7, 32-38)

Uzziah, Judah's tenth ruler (15:1-7)

His longevity (15:1-3):

His leprosy (15:4-7):

Jotham, Judah's eleventh ruler (15:32-38)

His behavior (15:32-35):

His building project (15:35-38):

THE GODLESS KINGS (15:8-31; 16:1-20)

Zechariah, Israel's fourteenth ruler (15:8-12)

The abomination of Zechariah (15:8-9):

The assassination of Zechariah (15:10-12):

Who (15:10-11):
Why (15:12):

Shallum, Israel's fifteenth ruler (15:13-15):

Menahem, Israel's sixteenth ruler (15:16-22)

His brutality (15:16):

His blasphemy (15:17-18):

His bribery (15:19-22):

Pekahiah, Israel's seventeenth ruler (15:23-26)

The idolatry (15:23-24):

The insurrection (15:25-26):

Pekah, Israel's eighteenth ruler (15:27-31)

The corruption (15:27-28):

The captivity (15:29):

The conspiracy (15:30-31):

Ahaz, Judah's twelfth ruler (16:1-20)

His wickedness (16:1-4, 10-20):

His war (16:5-9):