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1 Corinthians 16

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1 Corinthians 16

Paul's Collection (16:1-4):

Why it is being received (16:1):

When it is to be taken (16:2a):

What amount is expected from each person (16:2b):

Who will deliver the money to Jerusalem (16:3-4):

Paul's Commitment (16:5-9)

He promises to visit them in Corinth in the near future (16:5-7).

He plans to stay in Ephesus for the present (16:8-9).

When he will leave (16:8): He plans to stay until Pentecost.

Why he will stay (16:9): God has opened up a great preaching opportunity for him.

Paul'S Coworkers (16:10-12, 15-20):

Timothy (16:10-11):

"Treat him with respect" (16:10): When he comes, they are to warmly welcome this servant of the Lord.

"Send him on his way with your blessings when he returns to me" (16:11).

Apollos (16:12):

Stephanas (16:15-16):

Fortunatus and Achaicus (16:17-18):

Aquila and Priscilla (16:19-20):

Paul's Challenges (16:13-14)

"Stand true to what you believe" (16:13).

"Everything you do must be done with love" (16:14).

Anathema (16:22a):

Maranatha (16:22b-24):