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1 SAMUEL 6-7

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1 SAMUEL 6-7


The treasure (6:1-6): After seven months of trouble over the Ark, the desperate Philistines are advised by their own priests to send the Ark back to Israel with a guilt offering of five gold tumors and five gold rats!

The test (6:7-12): To determine whether their troubles were caused by the Ark or by coincidence, the Philistines devise a test. Two cows that have just given birth to calves are tied to a cart holding the Ark. If the cows don't cross the border, it was chance that caused the tumors. But if they cross into Israel, the Lord caused the plagues. The cows carry the Ark to the Israelite town of Beth-shemesh.

The thanksgiving (6:13-18): The people of Beth-shemesh rejoice at the return of the Ark.

The tragedy (6:19-21): The Lord killed 70 men for looking inside the Ark, so the people of Bethshemesh ask the people of Kiriath-jearim to come and take it away.


The repentance (7:1-6): After 20 years of spiritual decline, Samuel leads the people to repentance. The Israelites destroy their idols and worship only the Lord. Samuel becomes Israel's judge.

The routing (7:7-11): The Philistines attack the Israelites, but the Lord's mighty voice thunders from heaven, throwing the Philistines into confusion and allowing the Israelites to defeat them.

The rock (7:12): Samuel sets up a huge stone to remind the people of God's help and calls it Ebenezer, meaning "the stone of help."

The respite (7:13-14): The Philistines are forced to return much of the land they captured from Israel and do not invade them again for a long time.

The routine (7:15-17): Samuel travels throughout Israel for many years, serving as judge over the people.