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Hebrews 12

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Hebrews 12

The Contest (12:1-4)

The race (12:1):

The role model (12:2-3)

Who he is (1 2:2a):

What he did (12:2b-3):

Why he did it (12:2c):

Where he is now (12:2d):

The reassurance (12:4):

The Chastening (12:5-13):

The relationship (12:7b-10)

The disciplinarian (12:9-10):

The disciplined (12:7b-8):

The reminder (12:5a):

The reaction (12:5b-5c, 7a):

Negative reactions (12:5b-5c)

"Don't ignore it when the Lord disciplines you" (12:5b).
"Don't be discouraged when he corrects you" (12:5c).

Positive reaction (12:7a):

The reasons (12:6)

To prove we are his children (12:6b)

To prove his love (12:6a)

The rewards (12:11)

Discipline produces righteousness (12:11 b).

Discipline produces peace (12:11a).

The renewal (12:12-13)

"Take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs" (12:12).

"Mark out a straight path for your feet" (12:13).

The Challenges (12:14-17)

The author's exhortation (12:14-15)

"Try to live in peace with everyone" (12:14a).

"Seek to live a clean and holy life" (12:14b).

"Watch out that no bitter root of unbelief rises up among you" (12:15).

The author's example (12:16-17):

He was immoral (12:16a).

He was godless (12:16b).

He despised his birthright (12:16c-17).

The Contrasts (12:18-24):

Mount Sinai (12:18-21)

The person (12:21):

The principle (12:18-20):

Mount Zion (12:22-24)

The person (12:24a):

The principle (12:22-23, 24b):

The Caution (12:25-27):

The Consuming Fire (12:28-29)

Our God is a coming King (12:28).

Our God is a consuming fire (12:29).